Intent. Baildon RUFC approached ourselves to provide primary school tag rugby delivery with the focus…

White Rose Rugby receives 5 stars
5 Star review for White Rose Rugby from Westville House head boy.
Westville asked us to deliver sessions to 3 different age groups all with massively different experience levels. We are currently running and delivering 2 hours of after school clubs for the PP2 – PP4 (Key Stage 1) and F1 – F4 (Key stage 2).
The children are engaged in these sessions and we are endeavouring to complete all sessions outside in all weather conditions.
We have begun by taking the rugby right to the core skills of rugby to develop them into forward thinking, heads up rugby players. The children have really bought into this system and are enjoying challenging themselves in different ways every week.
We are also running Rugby Rascals sessions to the Westville Woodlands (Pre School) department, introducing 2- 4 year olds to the key concepts of rugby and linking them to their early learning goals. There is so many smiles, laughs and tries it really is a joy to be apart of.
Jake, our rugby development manager who is delivering the sessions at Westville House, believes it’s excellent to be back in primary schools developing rugby skills for many ages. The children involved at Westville have been fantastic participants who are always ready to learn, with a smile on their face.
Westville have been a brilliant school always keen to improve their offer of Sporting opportunities to all their children and it has and is great to team up with them and offer some rugby to their children
“ Jake’s rugby is 5 star because…
Jake’s rugby club helps people to learn skills in rugby whilst playing games. For intense pocket passing, first we learned the skill and then put it in a game like ‘piggy in the middle’ or ‘target tig’. My opinion on his rugby is great, it’s a great way to teach younger kids but at the same time make it so older ones can have fun!’”
Alexander, Westville House Head Boy.