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Despite what a lot of people might think rugby is a fun game. For me as a teacher it is the most rewarding aspect of my professional life. You can instil so much to students through the game. It is a game that can be played on so many levels and enjoyed by many different types of students. Without rugby my teaching life and my personal life would not be as fulfilled as it is now.

Brighouse High has been fortunate enough to be part of the all schools rugby programme for the last three years. This programme has supported the school in providing training for staff to develop their skills and knowledge of the game so that rugby is now a regular fixed part of key stage 3 and 4 PE curriculum for boys and girls. The WRSRS festivals and fixtures provide the school with an excellent opportunity to compete on a regular basis and allows our pupils the opportunity to build their confidence and Rugby skills. Many of our pupils have not experienced the game other than in school and we have found that through our involvement in the All schools programme and been part of the WRSRS more and more are continuing to play outside of school at our local Rugby Clubs. The pupils of Brighouse have gained a better understanding not just of the game but also of the core values and it is these core values that have allowed the pupils to develop and thrive not only as performers but as young adults.

Rugby union is a wonderful component to have in your curriculum and extra curricular programme as it really brings to life morals and values which are essential for all young people to have. The discipline and respect displayed in their rugby lives can be replicated in their everyday lives making them positive role models for their peers and being fine upstanding citizens in their local communities.

Playing rugby allows our pupils to develop their sporting skills, as well as key life skills such as confidence and self belief, and the feeling of being part of team. Pupils enjoy being challenged, and take pride in both the game, and in representing their school. The White Rose Festival has allowed our teams to take part in regular competitions, against a range of teams. They are well organised and give pupils the best experience of Yorkshire rugby.

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